I did not know of him or of his condition until today. When he first approached me, he assured me, I did not need to assist him. He was well taken care of. kwickkick wanted to help me help myself. Indeed, he hoped to lend a hand to all who reside in America. He had only his story, a reminder of what is most important to a person when they learn they are about to pass. Kwickkick offered his plea, to you, and to me, and asked us to ponder. As he shared, I thought of how the compassionate chap, kwickkick could have been me. However, he did not know of my situation. As I said, we had just met. The 34-year-old man, who discovered just hours earlier, he has but little time to live, is a contract employee in the sales division at software company. He is as many skilled workers in the United States. kwickkick is one of the forty-five, or more, millions of Americans without health insurance. Too many of whom understand that the lack of medical coverage is a death sentence waiting to happen. For kwickkick, the decree has been delivered. It was as he expected and thus he penned, I'm Dying. [Please click on the his statement to read his tale which appears just below.]
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