I recall the 1992 Presidential elections, vividly. Beginning in 1991 with the primaries, continuing into the campaign, and later, even after the votes were counted, the press and public expressed great concern. They stated it openly, frequently, and loudly. There was apprehension. The potential First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton was considered an activist, well educated, intelligent, and a professional woman.
The accepted image of a First Lady differed from the public impression of Mrs. Clinton. Former First Lady’s were thought to be demure; they appeared to sit silently by their husband’s side. They were content be courteous. They needed nothing more. Many doubts were expressed about Hillary. It was believed that she would not be well suited for the position of First Lady. Numerous persons predicted Mrs. Clinton would serve as a second president; they were certain she would. For years, the clamor continued. Remember the health care commission.
Yet today, when asked of the activist, professional life of Jane Marie Sullivan Roberts, wife of Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts, United States Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales stated strongly, inquiries into her life are off limits. The Attorney General was interviewed on CBS’s, Face The Nation.
• Please read this recent release, Confirmation Path May Run Through Florida. Jeb Bush spokesman Jacob DiPietre told the Los Angeles Times, "Judge Roberts was one of several experts who came to Florida to share their ideas. The governor appreciated his willingness to serve and valued his counsel." The now President appreciated his service as well.
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