Conservatives clamored; if Americans elected Barack Obama as President, unthinkable change would transform the planet as we know it. Republicans warned, there would be war in the streets throughout the land, people would respond violently. An international incident would certainly occur. World leaders would test the "inexperienced" Commander. Certainly, the Illinois Senator would be stunned, awash in angst. If Obama were in the Oval Office if would become more obvious. He was not prepared to command a country as great as the United States of America. The people, from every nation would take advantage of the inexperienced leader.
"America is one of three." Some might say the United States is one in a million. Surely, the superiority of this western nation is rarely questioned. The "land of milk and honey" is frequently referred to as a Superpower. Most think America might be considered truly supreme. Politically, economically, and militaristically the United States excels. This democratic nation has clout. America is able to control a situation, or a strategy. Citizens here consistently prove they are strong. This is the "home of the brave." It is well known, Americans are courageous enough to take a stand, and they have. The United States is one of three nations that, regardless of outcry, refuses to support a United Nations resolution which would abolish the manufacture and use of all nuclear weapons.
It is the day of my father's birth, July 24th. The man who taught me to dream of unity gave me the freedom to aspire. Leon inspired and inspires me today. Since earliest childhood, Daddy ensured I saw no walls and created no barriers. My father, through his actions, helped me to understand the importance of fellowship. He demonstrated the need to build bridges in federations with those we call foreign. Whether Daddy spoke of companions or countries, he emphasized the strength of coalitions. Lee, as others might label him, taught me the value alliances, in every association. With thanks to Daddy, I have the Audacity to Hope. Barack Obama also has the courage of conviction. Illinois Senator, and Presidential hopeful Obama communicated this commitment to a broader community, today, on July 24, 2008, in Berlin, Germany.
Barack Obama spoke of the belief he holds dear, and the one my father shared with me. Perchance, Dreams From My Father, and his, were evident in a speech given this afternoon on distant soil. Citizen Obama expressed a belief in the power of partnerships. He advanced the notion, when we come "together to work, and struggle, and sacrifice for that better life, all is finer.
The presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, and potential President of the United States, declared, as a community, large or small, people connected can strive to achieve for the commonweal. Individually and as a culture, we thrive when we are united. Divided, we worldwide will fall. Whether it be in Berlin, or at an American border, when people build walls, society is weakened.
This sentiment resonated within me. People abroad responded as well.
Possibly, we all have fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers that help us to acknowledge "the greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another." As the assembly in Germany applauded the words "this is the moment when we must" trust, give hope, come together, "summon that spirit [of promise] anew," and "renew our resolve," I choked back tears.
I do not agree with the thought that any of us is, or has an enemy. Nonetheless, I greatly appreciate the broader concept offered; compassion towards all beings is vital. The thought expressed frequently in Barack Obama's address that touched me is, empathy is essential. I too believe that we must join as one. As a whole we need to act on our spoken intention. All individuals say they crave global tranquility. If each of us embraces the "fierce urgency of now" much will be achieved.
The time is upon us. Each of us can choose to act on our hopes and our desires. I have faith that if we recall, as my Dad taught me, no one person is our leader; no one is, or can be the person in charge, then, we can truly prosper. (I thank you Daddy for the lesson. 'All are equal. An egalitarian society is essential if humans are to live in harmony. As you said today Daddy, we each must have an opportunity to shine.)
Today, and every day, the man with a dream is not necessarily a person of any particular gender, race, color, creed, or ethnicity. He is you, me, my Dad, Barack Obama's father, and yours. The person with vision is a woman, a child. He or she is every being. If we are ever to end the nightmare of an era bent on destruction, we must join hands, extend our hearts, empathize, and endeavor to be one.
I offer an invitation, an inspirational speech. May you peruse the text, reflect on the transcript, and live as a person with intent. May I present, Barack Obama and his speech delivered in Berlin on the date of my Dad's birth.
Late in January 2008, Americans read the startling news, Video Reveals Violations of Laws, Abuse of Cows at Slaughterhouse. Tears were shed by some; most turned away. The footage was too graphic. Countless wished to remain removed from a reality they do not wish to witness. Reports, of brutal treatment towards beefy cattle, were received by many as is steak on a plate. Those who eat the meat think it sad that a cow must be sacrificed in order to fill a human stomach. Nonetheless, numerous persons believe man kills "lower" forms of life; that is the natural order.
George W. Bush speaks of the movement forward. The President and his powerful people think progress occurs when one global power shows all others it is strong. For the ideologues in the White House, and those that occupy many other monuments dedicated to military force, throughout the world, "Might makes right." Persons labeled as "Leaders" believe peace and prosperity can be achieved through war.
Americans think the answer is to the question, 'How might we achieve global harmony?' is 'we must aggressively, brutally spread democracy." Dollars spent on defense will secure a fragile planet.
Authoritarians in other nations think their form of restrictive governance must triumph if the Earth is to ever experience tranquility.
I believe neither is valid or viable. When any form supremacy is standard, those thought less than will resent, rebel, and revolt. Domination and disorder do nothing to further serenity. Nor will these decidedly sources for derision secure social justice for all.
It was a lovely Saturday evening. We had no idea that within minutes, the telephone would ring and we would hear the news. A young woman, a beloved wife, the sister of eight siblings, and an associate of ours, had passed. Prior to the call, we did as Americans frequently do. Four of us piled into a late model automobile and drove down quiet streets. It was after dusk, early in the evening, when we arrived at the elegant restaurant. The lights were low. The ambiance was tranquil.
The hostess directed us to our table. She gave us a window seat. A stream surrounded the building. Ducks, geese, and swans, gently swam in the water. Birds quietly passed overhead. The server bought each of us a cool glass of iced water. Then he asked if we would like coffee, tea, a carbonated beverage, or perhaps an alcohol based brew. We had many choices. Food was placed in front of us. The supply of fodder seemed endless. Music played. There were no bullets or bombs blasting. Conditions and circumstances were unlike those in Iraq.
Today, I was reminded of how deeply divided this nation is. I read School Diversity Based on Income Segregates Some. I discovered in an attempt to offer equal opportunities, indeed, schools discovered discrimination remained a dominant force. School Boards, Administrators, and the community-at-large concluded educational institutions would be more diverse if learners were assigned to schools based on family incomes. A plan was introduced and implemented. The outcome was mixed; however, the pupil populations were less so. Some races, colors, and creeds were abundant within a given institution; others were not well represented.
In early March, the White House let it be known, George W. Bush, the self-defined compassionate conservative, was planning a trip to a South America and Mexico. Protesters anxiously awaited his arrival. They said so loudly and vehemently. Now that the "Ugly American" is in Guatemala, citizens are expressing much anger and distress. The man referred to as the "devil" by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is witnessing what occurs when our actions are arrogant, words are duplicitous, and ideological illusions rule. Imperialism is the cry.
Please indulge me, allow me to make a comparison that may seem obscure to some. Surely, the Bush/Cheney clan has yet to grasp what others and I have said for years. Humans are harming the balance of nature! We can choose to deny this. Citizen of the world can see them selves as separate from nature; however, we are one. A report released today by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations, validates this "claim." I offer this analogy in hopes that a personal realization may make the point more profoundly.
Weight loss may be equated with global warming. Those of us that have lost tonnage know that for years, months, or weeks few notice the pounds dropping away. We are aware of the subtle changes because we choose to be. When we work to be sensitive to the mind/body connection, when we work to honor each of these separate entities as one, we become aware of the nuances that surround change.
Please View the Video of the Annan Farewell Speech.
Please Pardon the Prologue, the Obligatory Commercial. Annan Condemns U.S. Aggression.
Perhaps what we have had in the last six years was a standoff. The cowboy confronted the peace officer. The lawman refused to blink; however, the cowboy took the bull by the horns and ran off with the international interests.
The peace officer is a practical man. He acknowledges that we must work as one; we are all part of a broader community. This legal wrangler is a quiet, serious, sober, and loving man.
The "Western wonder" rides by the seat of his pants.
The public servant is posed; he tells no lies. On occasion, he may miss a step. He may not be fully aware of his son's doings; after all, he is human. This serene official wants to believe the best of everyone. He is willing to be wrong and apologize.
On the other hand, the cow handler is a cocky dude. He is folksy. He prefers simple pleasures, plain talking, and he ponders little. Deep reflection is not his strong point. He knows exactly what he wants and how to get it. When this fellow says, Osama Bin Laden is our enemy; he is as Hitler, you can be sure this is his contention. The cowboy will do everything in his power to convince you that he is correct; he is "right!" When this riding-high-in-the-saddle scoundrel slings his mud, when he states Saddam Hussein is among those on the "axis of evil" you better believe he means it.
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