It is almost here again, the anniversary of our first meeting. For so many reasons friends and family want me to write of our story. It was such a learning experience for me, oddly enough, even for them. The tale is tantalizing. While it was an interesting and extremely painful evolution, it no longer overwhelms my spirit. I have integrated you into my heart; you are part of me.
As I said to you on our third official date, “When I look at you it is as if, I am looking in the mirror.” Yes, G, you were my mirror image. You were the black to my white. While the foundation was similar, it was reversed. We were not opposites; we merely acted out our hurts very differently.
In retrospect, I am unsure if you still are my mirror. I am certainly not who I used to be. I do not know if I am who I once thought I was. Currently, I am exactly the same as I was when we met. Still, I am totally different.
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