© copyright 2007 Betsy L. Angert
On February 3, 2007, I expressed my distress in an exposé titled, Texas Mandates STD Vaccination for Elementary Age Schoolgirls. In my writing I discussed the executive order imposed by Texas Governor Rick Perry. This Christian conservative concluded young schoolgirls, ages eleven and twelve, must be inoculated against cervical cancer. A series, of three shots, each costing $120 would be required. The consumer would be forced to pay for this state-imposed immunization. Actually, the child would not, or could not possibly purchase such services. Parents would bear the financial burden. The young girls might carry another costly load. Drugs have side effects. The more effective Pap Smears do not. Nonetheless, profits are on the line. I know, you thought saving lives was the greater concern.
Continue reading "Gardasil; Truth and Consequences. Merck Stops Lobby" »
In March 2006, American Telephone and Telegraph offered to buy BellSouth for $67 billion. At the time, there was much concern. Should the two tie the knot, it would appear to reverse a decision made twenty-two years earlier, the breakup of the Ma Bell monopoly.
Continue reading "Ma Bell; She's Back. Net Neutrality in Jeopardy ©" »
Apparently, according to a recent study published in the Journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, most of the expert authors have financial ties to the very drug makers whose medications they promote. 56 percent of 170 psychiatric experts who worked on the most recent 1994 edition of the Diagnostic Manual, had at least one financial encounter with a drug maker between 1989 and 2004.
Continue reading "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Duping Doctors©" »
It began innocently; an acquaintance suggested that I run an advertisement in the Recycler©. I was selling my washer and dryer. I already asked friends and family if they wanted to purchase the pair. The machines were also offered to the buyers of my home. Realtors were contacted; surely, they would know of someone that needed a like-new washer and dryer. The duo is the top-of-the-line, in mint condition, and is barely three years old; they are Whirlpool Calypso’s. They will sell easily says the companion. “Place an ad in this periodical and they will be gone,” he reassures me. The chum tells me that I can submit the classified online; I do.
The public notice is free and that works well for me. I received an email almost instantly. A man named Luis Spencer wants more information. He requests photographs. He inquires of the condition, and what is my bottom-line price? We mail back and forth. I share all the details and Luis declares his interest. He will pay my price. He states that an associate of his will arrange for the shipping, he is writing from England.
Luis Spencer assures me he will pay with a certified check.
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