Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Elections and Ethics; Gas and Gratification Will A Gas Tax Holiday Help? copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert. Americans speak of the divide within this country. Most accept the labels. We are a nation of Red states and Blue regions. People define themselves as Conservatives or Liberals. West Virginian primary election voters, who were asked, reinforced the notion in this nation we are not unified. One fifth of those polled stated, skin color influenced their decision. Former Senator John Edwards often expresses his distress for what he sees as "Two Americas." The one time Presidential candidate reminds us of why the common folks clamor. The rich get richer while the poor become more impoverished. For some of those who fight to endure, a "gas tax holiday" is thought essential. Others believe such a measure will negatively effect the infrastructure and the environment. In Grand Rapids, Michigan on May 14, 2008 a Black man and a white man stood on a stage together united and equal. Some, in this splintered nation of ours, thought this was a sign. Perhaps, Americans would finally come together as one. People applauded and expressed a sincere hope for the future. However, what segregates us may not be easily transcended; nor is it obvious and observable. Ethically, Americans are not united. Often the person the public elects to govern does not share their values, although citizens believe the esteemed Representatives do. Rarely do we imagine that there are a myriad of definitions for morality. However, there are. What one person or persuasion thinks rational and reasonable is heinous to another. This is not obvious or observable, for we all feel certain there is but one truth. Nonetheless, research illustrates what we might consider before we hire, the next President/ Holier Than Thou? Employees Who Believe They Are 'Ethical' Or 'Moral' Might...
Universal Pain; Effect of Economic and Emotional Depression copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert. Teresa Madison forlorn and torn by life's dilemmas contemplates a reality she never considered before. Death by one's own hand may be the latest and greatest in preventative medicine. Suicide can be a cure for what ails a person, or at least many have come to believe this is so. In her age group, more people deliberately take their lives. Only months ago, Ms Madison perused an article that appeared in The New York Times; Midlife Suicide Rises, Puzzling Researchers. Teresa was not perplexed. Ms Madison knows to her core society is consumed with ills. Physical, mental, emotional, financial woes, and a sense of finality overwhelm individuals in the United States. Teresa feels heaviness in her heart when she opens her mailbox and sees the bills. Her empty pocketbook cannot ease her pain. Nor does it alleviate the aches her family feels. Ms Madison hears people speak of hope for the future. Countless say change is on the horizon. Yet, in this election year, this workingwoman does believe the solutions offered are realistic. She listens to the rhetoric and recognizes the aspirants do not feel the common peoples' pain. Each of the candidates speaks of the current financial crisis and foreclosures. Health Care is also an issue. The Democratic Presidential hopefuls promise Universal Health Care. Yet, none of the possible nominees propose a Single Payer not for Profit plan. Each candidate expects Americans to pay for the insurance they desperately need. The cost of coverage may be reduced; nonetheless, citizens will be required to pay for the policies. A Choice Plan may claim to make Health Insurance more accessible; however, those who work and struggle to meet medical expenses understand this strategy will not serve them well. A Plan for a "Healthy America,"...

A being that believes . . . "thinking is the best way to travel!" [Mike Pinder, Moody Blues]

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