Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Calm Communicators Unite Us. Cruel Commanders Divide Us copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert. BeThink.org Americans are at odds. As a nation, we are splintered. The parts do not function as a whole. Some wish to control and command. Others prefer to work for the common good. As we stand, we are a country divided. The most recent Internal Revenue Service data, shows one percent of Americans received twenty-one and two-tenths [21.2] percent of all personal income. In 2005, fifty [50] percent of the people in this nation, those who have long struggled to survive, earned twelve and eight-tenths [12.8] percent of all wages and salaries. In the United States, dollars earned split the population. Wealth is not all that separates us. Color causes schisms. Citizens live in regions of the country labeled Red, or Blue. Brownish immigrants, with or without papers, are relegated to reside in neighborhoods far from the affluent or influential, even when authentic assimilation is meant to be an option. Frequently Black Americans are housed in communities where opportunities are few. When persons of various hues intermingle with the massive pinkish population, in the United States, the people of color are alienated. Were Americans do physically unite, they would likely remain segregated. Americans subtly separate themselves from those they loathe, and form the people they love. Few ever consider what they do to create a rift. In America, demeanors, the way in which we communicate, divides us. In this nation, a large portion of the population is frequently aggressive, abusive, and antagonistic. Those they encounter, the not obnoxious or toxic ones, accommodate, appease, appear unaffected, or remain anxious when in the company of the people who believe the best way to appear authoritative is to dictate what needs to be done, by whom, when, where, and why. At times, the public is able to...
Six Months. Six Years. Six Centuries. Perpetual War Endless war on the installment plan copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert. BeThink.org Many Americans may wish to believe that if Arizona Senator John McCain were elected, he would ensure that this nation remains engaged in battle for eons. The conventional wisdom is Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton will "bring the troops home." Citizens, mostly Independents and Democrats, may blame the Republicans for conflicts that seem endless by design. Of course, when war is in question, countless Americans contemplate the current conflicts. Nearly everyone with some exceptions, places the onus on President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, or any of the other Neoconservatives in the Cabinet. Yet, these individuals and groups are not the only creators of combat. Any man or woman who believes, at times, war is the best, last, or the only option is culpable. Citizens throughout the globe have accepted the notion wars will always be. Hence fighting is, forever. The Hundred Years War lasted from 1337 through 1453. The Eighty Years War [1588 – 1648] filled most of the next century. The Thirty Year Conflict [1618 – 1648] began before the latter hostilities were resolved. The Crusades [1095 – 1291], a series of related military clashes filled more than another century. The Northern Crusades, also known as the Baltic Battles began in 1193 and remained uninterrupted through the 16th century. Native Americans recognize that in the 19th Century the United States was perpetually at war. History that is more recent is no less explosive. Since V-J Day 1945 ("Victory over Japan" and the end of World War II), we have been engaged in what the historian Charles A. Beard called "perpetual war for perpetual peace." I [Gore Vidal] have occasionally referred to our "enemy of the month...

A being that believes . . . "thinking is the best way to travel!" [Mike Pinder, Moody Blues]

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