Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Clinton, Obama, Citizens; Our Children's Future is in Your Hands Children "Ringing" TV Ad copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert. BeThink.org Be it 3 Ante Meridian or 2 Post Meridian, a person proud to be a fighter will see enemies on every avenue. An individual who believes, if we are to bring about peace, we must communicate with those who do not share our values, will act on the courage of his or her convictions. A defensive stance, or a diplomatic demeanor, in a time of crisis will make a difference. On the issues, the two Democratic Presidential hopefuls are mostly, in agreement. Neither proposes the depth of change some had hoped for. However, each will and has altered history. Those on the "Right" are not wrong. Republicans purely reflect principles that call for freedom through independence. Capitalists, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs envision a world where every person, separately, is their own highest priority. Each man, woman, or child must fend for them selves. War is likely when those who inhibit the planet are not one. Sovereignty or a need to dominate, divides us. Individuality is the battle cry for those who think it possible to pull ones' self up by his or her bootstraps. Interdependence brings unity. A pugilist, even when declared a populace or a Progressive, essentially believes there are foes. An action antagonizes those whose heart is filled with fear. Reactive engagements rule when one is petrified, titles others as a threat, or labels some terrorists. When the Presidential aspirants are similar in scope, Americans must consider what some would argue is personal. However, in politics, as in life, all that we believe to be true is intimately our own perspective. Hence, citizens must choose what they think is best for them. When the telephone rings, at any hour, and children are fast asleep in cozy and comfortable chaises,...
Hillary Clinton; Executive Experience Explained Hillary Clinton puts McCain above Obama – Complete copyright © 2008 Betsy L. Angert. BeThink.org Presidential aspirant Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks of her ample experience. The Senator from New York reminds us in advertisements and advisements that she, the former First Lady is abundantly qualified to serve as President of the world's superpower, the United States of America. For decades, Clinton gave to her country and the community. She would like to continue to work for the people; perhaps, in a more profound manner. As Hillary Clinton affirmed of herself, "I have crossed the Commander-In-Chief threshold." However, some question her qualifications. We agree; Senator Clinton has already walked within the private quarters of the White House. She was privileged enough to inhabit the residence. She, and her spouse, were selected by the people, not once, but twice to represent this nation. In her position as First Lady, the Presidential hopeful gained much wisdom. As Senator, she expanded her knowledge. Hillary and husband Bill Clinton are deeply connected. The pair has been through trying times. Yet, repeatedly, they triumph. Nearly a score ago, William Jefferson Clinton coined the term "comeback kid" about him. From his first Presidential bid to has last, and then again after he left office, the boy from Hope, Arkansas never lost his. This extraordinary man married a woman who mirrored his amazing ability, Hillary Rodham. On March 4, 2008, Presidential hopeful, the wondrous Hillary Clinton did as her husband had done well over a decade ago. She too can now be called the quintessential candidate who will not be kept down. Despite a mass of primary and caucus wins, Barack Obama, learned as many before him had, the experienced candidate, Hillary Clinton will carry on with greater vigor until she realized substantial victories. As near newlyweds, Bill...

A being that believes . . . "thinking is the best way to travel!" [Mike Pinder, Moody Blues]

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