Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sex; Education, Abstinence, Angst copyright © 2007 Betsy L. Angert. 'Twas October 18 and Congress was a twitter. Senators and Representatives fought and they flittered. Some thought society must provide for the children. Others maintained only parents need be responsible for their wards. Congressional Democrats discussed and debated. For them Health Care for the little ones, that was the issue. When suddenly they realized this pursuit was not viable. A few thought if they built a coalition, designed a compromise all would be well. Thus, a proposal was submitted. Funds for the children in the form of Abstinence Education, surely, that would fly; health insurance went bye-bye. As Congress deliberated and did few deeds, parents congregated and presumed a great need. In the corners of Portland, Maine parents chattered and prattled. Could we, should we, would we give our Middle School students a prescription. Might contraceptives and condoms cure societal ills? For these fine citizens sex was the subject. Who might the teacher be? These anecdotes are as one. Elders inquire; who or how might we care for the little ones. What is right and what is wrong; what is neither, just misunderstood. In the House chambers, on the Senate floor, in living rooms near and far anxious adults ponder the possibilities their parents did not. Is sex a subject to be taught by the states, or once the babies arrive at school, is it too late. This is a tale of two families. The dynamics differ. Perchance, you will recognize yourself in the home of one or the other, perhaps not. I invite you to sit for a while. Settle into that cozy chair. Curl up and snuggle as stories of the untold unfold . . . At eight months old, she was walking, talking, and toilet trained herself. Her Mom was...

A being that believes . . . "thinking is the best way to travel!" [Mike Pinder, Moody Blues]

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