Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mother Earth; The Humans Virus Animation about Earth © copyright 2007 Betsy L. Angert Earth is ill. The virus that invades this planet is human in nature. This strange little creature has an ego that multiples and magnifies its significance. "Persons" think themselves so important they ignore the essence of every other life form. Humans invade all space and slip into every crack and crevice on this planet. Individuals propose it is "Manifest Destiny." Man and womankind believe they have a G-d-given right to expand and possess the whole of this terra firma. People think themselves superior. Thus, he and she slices and dices other mammals. Those that walk on two limbs, label these helpless beings delicacies. Humans leave no stone unturned on this Earthly terrain. "Civil" creatures believe themselves astute. They generate electricity. They manufacture machinery; they pollute. Nothing seems to stop these selfish individuals. They are parasites. Human beings produce and re-produce. These simple souls create "products" that kill. Their chemicals cause plants and other animals to choke. Fish flounder. Ice melts and the temperature of the ocean waters rise. Humans deplete Earth's natural resources, and create substances that fill the land with waste. Two-legged mammals even destroy themselves. They consume vast quantities of sweet cookies and creams. Carbonated, high fructose corn syrup beverages consume them. Lattes, whipped and sugared lard may make these critters lazy. People grow fat. Yet, they are never happy. Persons think contentment will come. However, they convince themselves that sheer joy is only possible if they conquer every other entity in their path. They destroy as they travel this rocky terrain. Soon they will need to find other solar systems to inhabit. Earth continues to crumble. Human litter floats throughout the Milky Way. It will not be long before this globe and surrounding galactic bodies are left in...
Boys Will Be Boys; Write, Reclaim Their Voices Jacques Derrida - Fear of Writing © copyright 2007 Betsy L. Angert I have not read the book; thus, any recommendation would be based on very little knowledge. Nevertheless, upon seeing the title and a short review of the text, the book, Boy Writers, Reclaiming Their Voices, I was reminded of an important topic; boys have been denied their right to be heard. As men, they do not speak freely. As I looked at the title, I pondered what I think is a serious problem. I was intrigued by the prospect of promoting a method of teaching that honors and motivates boys to speak, to share their voice in the writing. I have not read the book; thus, any recommendation would be based on very little knowledge. Nevertheless, upon seeing the title and a short review of the text, the book, Boy Writers, Reclaiming Their Voices, I was reminded of an important topic; boys have been denied their right to be heard. As men, they do not speak freely. As I looked at the title, I pondered what I think is a serious problem. I was intrigued by the prospect of promoting a method of teaching that honors and motivates boys to speak, to share their voice in the writing. As an author, as a Language Arts instructor, as a person that truly believes we have done a disservice to our young boys, I decided to dive into the material offered online and read of this tome. I was interested in what I might discover. I am well aware, that in America, we have forced boys to disconnect from their feelings. As toddlers males are trained to be tough. They are told to be self-sufficient. Even baby boys hear the words, "Stand up and take it like a man." In...

A being that believes . . . "thinking is the best way to travel!" [Mike Pinder, Moody Blues]

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