Monday, April 09, 2007

Bush Cuts Funds For Troops. Is Veto Victory? © copyright 2007 Betsy L. Angert Murtha Slams Bush for Veto Threat Please pardon the obligatory commercial prologue. Bush Renews Veto Threat Dear President George W. Bush . . . I was among the Americans willing to settle for some semblance of support for the troops. I was willing to say bring them home months from now; although it seems to me a time in 2008 is more than a year. Nevertheless, I called my Congressman and said please sign on to the silly Bill, the one setting an absurd and somewhat arbitrary time for bring the soldiers home. However, in each of my conversations with Congressional Aides, I added my truer feelings. I want the funds cut! It seems that now, you do as well. I did not want the troops to travel abroad, to bomb innocent children and civilians. Placing servicemen and women in "harms way" never seemed wise to me! The reason for this war and for the "rally 'round the flagpole" was always obvious to me. Ego and egocentric attitudes abound! America and its President arrogantly presumed to know what is best for people in the Middle East. Posturing and propaganda were produced to support this swaggering stance. If there was a battle to be had, my position was and is, let those that think there is reason to go to war go. I am not referring to the young and agile, those led into service for they need the funds just to survive, I am speaking of the nations leaders, those that posture that combat will protect us [and our interests.] That is enough of my musings. I am writing to state, George, you have the funds for the troops now. Congress gave these to you!The Senate today defied a White House veto threat and...
An Alert. Activism, Immigration. April 10, Here Again > Coverage of Spring 2006 Immigration Rally in DC April 10 is here again. We must assess ourselves, our principles, this our nation of immigrants. As you listen to the voices, you may hear your own voice, or realize that others are thinking as you never have. Please reflect and revisit the issue of immigration in America. Events are scheduled in 2007. Perhaps Immigration laws affect a person near and dear to you. Might you participate and make a difference. Please peruse the details below. Travel through cyberspace and find a community near you. They are seeking your assistance. April 10 is a day for action. the Fair Immigration Reform Movement is asking for your assistance. Activities are planned throughout the country. Some occur today, others in the days to come. It is never too late to be involved in Immigration Reform. Coordinated by the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, the Gamaliel Foundation, National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities, the Border Communities Alliance for Human Rights and hundreds of grassroots organizations around the nation, immigrant communities and allies will call on Washington to deliver Comprehensive Immigration Reform NOW!! Stop Tearing Apart Families! Stop the Raids and Deportations! Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform Now! Find An Event Near You! On April 10 – 1-year commemoration of our massive mobilizations against hate, HR4437 During the current Congressional Easter Recess (April 2 – April 13)- we are calling on organizations from across the country to engage in the following actions: On April 10 kick off of a major letter writing, e-mails, and personal items campaign Organize Town hall meetings with Members of Congress to ask for their commitment to family unity, an end to raids, to deportations and to pass CIR Organize Marches and rallies with children and families Educate our communities on...

A being that believes . . . "thinking is the best way to travel!" [Mike Pinder, Moody Blues]

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